It’s easier than you think

How it works

Watch my free video

“The Best Relationship Advice You’ve Probably Never Heard”.

I share the two big lies at the base of every relationship problem, and how letting go of these lies will allow you to love and connect more deeply with everyone you love.

Schedule an appointment

Your first appointment gives us a full hour for you to unload all of your specific relationship challenges. You will be amazed at the power of saying it all out loud in a safe and loving space.

From this session, you will come away with new clarity and specific actions you can take to begin the process of building the relationships you want.

Follow up sessions

Most clients choose to continue weekly follow up sessions for at least eight weeks, but you can do more or less, depending on what feels right to you.

Life continues to happen and problems continue to arise. As you learn the tools I will share with you and grow in your ability to create beautiful loving relationships, I’m here to support you!

Frequently Asked Questions

That’s no problem at all! Part of the magic of coaching is that it only takes one person in any relationship to start the process. Think of your relationship as a dance– when you begin to change your steps, the dance has to change.

You may have heard the saying that “hurt people hurt people”? The opposite is also true. Healed people heal people.


Well, send them on over and I will work with them!

But in the meantime, YOU are the one who is here, looking for a change. Let me help you take back your power and find peace and love, even in your relationships with imperfect people.

The number one predictor of success in any coaching is the relationship between the client and the coach.  I am not the right coach for everyone!

Please watch my free video course. I tell my story and talk about the basic principles I believe in for improving relationships. If these things are interesting and helpful for you, we are probably a good fit, and we will work well together.


In our very first session, we will talk about things you can do right away that will start helping you feel better, and helping you interact with your loved one in new ways that will begin to improve your relationship. You get to decide how much support you need and want after that. I suggest at least eight weeks of regular weekly visits, as a firm foundation to learn and practice the tools that I will share with you, and to develop new habits.


Less conflict and more JOY in your family relationships